Lazervida 保護殼由幾片壓克力組裝而成,協助雕刻時有效阻擋雷射光源。保護殼的後方出風口可連接風管 (若有購買Beam Air搭配使用請加購風管)並透過卡箍固定,能幫你有效排出雷雕時產生的有害分子以及惱人氣味。
✓ 包裝大小:690 x 375 x 54mm
✓ 包裝重量:6kg
*我們額外提供 Lazervida 使用者免費下載 Lazervida 保護殼雷雕檔,可自行下載組裝。
組裝費時,縫隙大…,壓克力的保護膠撕除也很困難費時… 螺帽使用壓克力材質容易滑牙,對於組裝密度影響不小,即便雕刻的氣味有改善…但若能有更好的氣味阻隔設計會是更好的產品。另外組裝指引不夠清楚,影片的方式還有更細節的拍攝,若能有電子檔的紙本教學會更好,如同IKEA傢俱的說明書就非常清楚,且因為沒有防呆設計,千辛萬苦組裝好了卻發現上下裝顛倒導致上蓋無法安裝、或是線材出口方向錯誤還得再辛苦一次…線材出口若能提供橡膠氣密塞會更理想!
Thank you for making the free plans available for the enclosure. It would help if the files included assembly instructions with a list of materials such as the recommended hinges for the lids and hardware for the panels. There is a *.DS_Store file, but it cannot be opened as a .txt, .doc, or .pdf, and it is not a link.
For example, photos of the enclosure show what might be rivets or screws holding the panels together. In the files, these would enter a hole in the facing panel and continue into a pinched recess in the abutting panel (e.g., front and L side). What's the hardware?
Also, there are two bottom panel files: Bottom_Panel_F and Bottom_Panel_B-1028. F has a row of small holes along the back; B-1028 does not. But there is only one back panel file. Which bottom panel should we choose; what situation does it depend on?
整體上來說, 還不錯! 自己買壓克力來組一定超過售價.
上蓋蝴蝶頁的螺孔太大 以及風管有公差, 但客服很快速的幫我解決問題.
外罩因沒有風扇抽風,將Beam Air開到最大的吸風效果還需要加強。
Flux make good laser-engraving machine for individual-studio.